Internal Audit Training for your management systems?
Collin Associates have been providing professional services to the ISO9001 and TQM (total quality management) community since 1990. To this we add extensive practical expertise in the ISO13485 standard for Medical Devices.
More recently we have assisted various companies to obtain accreditation according to ISO14001 environmental management system. We are also pleased that our efforts in the Health & Safety arena (ISO45001 standard) are getting recognised with regular public courses scheduled and a number of companies certified. We specialise in training and consultancy including auditing and (pre-) assessment.
In addition we organise more generic training courses such as Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Statistical Process Control.
 On our site, you will find all you need about the various services and levels of support we are able to offer offer.
Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments or questions about our services, or simply need more information and would like to contact us, click on the contact button on any page within this site.
Thank you for visiting and we are looking forward to working w
ith you! |