Collin Associates  - International area of operations


© Collin Associates - 2021


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Duration: One Day

Designed for:

Company personnel who have been given the task of implementing FMEA or asked to become members of an FMEA team.

Course Aims:

  • To familiarise delegates with the principles of FMEA
  • To allow delegates to practice FMEA techniques
  • To understand the difference between design and process FMEA

Course Content:

  • An instruction to Failure Mode and Effect Philosophy
  • The application of FMEA to design and process situation
  • Organising a company's FMEA strategy, including team requirement
  • The implementation of FMEA's in practice
  • A broad understanding of the use of FMEA
  • The ability to operate effectively within a company FMEA system
  • Making it happen in company
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